This looks, smells and tastes more like Summer than anything I can think of. For a few weeks, this is the world's best reason to spend less time in the kitchen and more time in the garden. Or the Farmers Market.
Any day now, the perfect peach will arrive at your Farmers Market. Buy it, wash it and eat it. Nothing Better. But when you're ready for an amazingly rich but light dessert that tastes just like a peach, make this. For dessert or breakfast. Or both.
Could be an all-day 20-mile hike. A 2-mile spin around the Acropolis. Or a 6-mile stroll to the Aegean Sea. Eating traditional Greek cuisine all the Way. Whichever way you turn in Athens, it's a delicious Way to see the sights while you burn way more calories than you consume.
For sushi eaters, a wildly flavorful Way to enjoy raw fish. For steak tartare fans, a terrific Way to replace some meat with fish in your diet. For afraid-of-raw-fish folks, could be the perfect Way to overcome fear and discover a healthy new meal.
Parmigiano-Peach Gelato. Savory-sweet ice cream. Tastiest Way to beat the heat without an overdose of sugar in your frozen dessert. $5 for 3 pints of just-made ice cream. I eat enough of this stuff to amortize the ice cream maker investment pretty quickly.
They are good looking. And getting to look at them is another perfectly good reason to grow them. A perfectly good thing to do on a Sunday. Press Play. Maybe you'll think about growing some next year.
Eat, drink and sightsee your Way to a calorie deficit in this great walking city. Burn at least 2,000 calories, way more than you'll consume in a few of its best markets and restaurants.
What's more French than French toast? This light, bright zero-sugar-but-nice-and-sweet strawberry-rhubarb glaze and puree is fantastic with the luxurious souffle-like toast. Less than a buck for a great little breakfast.
This stuff is addictive. And Cheap. Rich and luscious. Deep eggplant and sesame flavors. A little brightness and tang from the lemon and garlic. With pita bread or a warm, soft fresh corn tortilla. Or straight from a spoon.