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The Best Dressed Salads

These are the Salad Days. Farmers Markets are full of greens at their seasonal flavor peaks. The salad spinner and whisk are the busiest tools in the kitchen. If you were a leaf, you'd be thrilled to get tossed around in any one of these dressings.
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Lobster Hash, National Lobster Day & Dad

$4 for three 3-ounce Lobster-Potato Hash Cakes. Chock full of live Maine lobster, 3 ounces of it. Deeply delicious, intensely aromatic. A wonderfully satisfying and special meal. Perfect for National Lobster Day. You didn't know? It's today.
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Slower Sunday: Barefoot

A 1-minute vacation. A virtual walk on the beach. Before you Press Play: no shoes or socks. C'mon. Now wiggle your toes. No beach? Use grass instead. Feels almost as good.
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Mushroom Tarte Flambé

Beautiful to look at. Even Better to eat. Maybe the best mushroom-onion pizza ever. The crust is light and crisp. The mushrooms are earthy, fragrant, meaty. The onions are sweet, almost caramelized. Required kitchen skills: stirring, slicing.
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Bighorn Peak. Big Sky. Big day.

Big hike. Bigger views. 360 degrees. 50 miles on a clear day. Tiny you in the middle of something vast. You may be a very small part of it all, but you're definitely part of it. And when you look around, that's awesome.
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Strawberry-Rhubarb Pudding Cake

Great Spring fruit flavors infuse this old-fashion, magical dessert trick. Sweet, aromatic strawberries with fresh, tart rhubarb. Rich but amazingly light. Part airy, moist cake. Part silky light pudding. A total mystery how it turns out this Way.
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Banana-Granola Breakfast Popsicle

Breakfast on a stick. Perfect for summer. Cool and refreshing. Banana-sweet, yogurt-tart, granola-nutty. Ten minutes of licking and smiling at the same time. Takes you less time to prepare a batch of these popsicles than it does to eat one.
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