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The classic roast beef accompaniment for Christmas, when they go by the name Yorkshire Pudding. Either Way, popovers manage to be amazingly light, rich and easy to make.
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One Enchanted Hike

I'm a waterfall guy. If I was a bird watcher, I'd be in heaven. As it is, I feel transported. Escorted, actually. Escorted by a pair of Scarlet Macaws on an enchanted beach hike to a spectacular waterfall. Can't just sit there on the beach when the forest is so full of wonder.
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Brussels sprouts: glazed, smoky, timely

Just in time for next Tuesday: National Maple Syrup Day. And just in time for holiday feasting. A spectacularly flavorful green cruciferous vegetable dish for your Christmas spread. A little sweetness from maple syrup and cider. A shot of smoky, salty and rich from smoked bacon or ham.
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Rooting for Winter Ratatouille

I should have done this sooner. Very delicious, cheap and easy. Somewhere between a warm salad and a vegetable stew. A winter version of something I love all summer. A meal in itself. Or a light, bright, lively and warm course that goes with everything.
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Vegetable-Stuffed Cabbage

Once you get the knack of it, rolling things in a cabbage leaf is an easy Way to a delicious, warm, satisfying meal with big doses of Vitamins C and K and powerful antioxidants.
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Soulful Soup from Tuscany: Ribollita

When it gets really cold, it's time to make ribollita, a deeply delicious and satisfying potful of Tuscan kale soup, something between a rich vegetable soup and a vegetable stew. A complete and soulful meal in a bowl.
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Slower Sunday: Walking it off

I'm still walking off Thanksgiving. And realizing I'll soon be thinking about Christmas. What do you want for Christmas? Good health? Peace of mind? It's all out here. And it's free. Every day. Press Play to get in the mood.
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