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Strawberry-Rhubarb Tart. The best.

70 cents per slice. For a light, intensely flavorful but not too sweet dessert. Pretty terrific for breakfast, too. It's what May and June should taste like. Amazing how easily you can make this Better and Cheaper than you can buy it.
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Easy Does It. The Walk to Ousel Falls.

The kindest, gentlest hike to a spectacularly scenic destination in Montana. In Big Sky, this is a wonderfully scenic walk on a wide, smooth path. Gentle switchbacks lead you to this beautiful waterfall on the Gallatin River. Less than an hour and two miles roundtrip. Breathe easy.
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Skinny dipping in the Mediterranean diet

Two steps: dip bread into olive oil to moisten it, then dip that into this dry mixture of crushed walnuts, chopped sun-dried tomatoes and fresh herbs. An addictively delicious dip with nutritional content that sounds like an intensive health food intervention.
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Mushroom Lettuce Wraps

Simple. Just chopping, marinating and rolling. You'll be amazed how much flavor and texture pleasure you get from a tablespoon of this mushroom filling and a big, fresh leaf of lettuce. A refreshing, near-zero calorie lunch or a light starter before dinner.
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Thai Rice Pudding. For dinner.

Rich and luxurious in your mouth. Totally creamy, but without cream. Intensely and exotically fragrant with coconut, curry, lime and ginger. A little crunch and saltiness from the peanuts. Soft, sticky rice.
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Slower Sunday: Sing Along

Over and over. One after another. So steady. So rhythmic. Waves are a perfect rhythm section. They never miss a beat. Nature's karaoke. You do the melody, OK? Press Play. Whistle. Hum. Sing. C'mon.
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Living Room Olympics: Luge Training

Sounds like something slow and lazy. You lie on your back on a strange sled. But then you slide around an icy track at 90 mph. You don't just lay there. You have to steer the thing. With your calf muscles. Really. Time to strengthen and stretch your calves, huh? C'mon, stand up.
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