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Living Room Aerobics: Deck Dips

Great for your triceps, shoulder and core muscles. In between your five-minute stretches of walking or running in place on your step deck. A simple, cheap and tiny object that lets you exercise aerobically in a few square feet. C'mon, sweat a little.
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Living Room Aerobics: Mountain Climbing

Press Play to see how you can use a Step Deck or Balance Board for an aerobic exercise that strengthens every muscle in your body. Like you're scrambling up a really steep slope, with your hands on the ground. And the ground's moving.
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Living Room Aerobics: Walking Push Ups

Great for all your upper body and core muscles. In between your five-minute stretches of walking or running in place on your step deck. A simple, cheap and tiny object that lets you exercise aerobically in a few square feet. C'mon, sweat a little.
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Living Room Aerobics: Jogging in place

Your place. A nice 30-minute jog in 3 square feet. Actual aerobic exercise. You get your heart rate up. You breathe hard. You sweat. You burn calories. You improve your cardiorespiratory fitness. Look ma, no treadmill. Step on it.
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You Are What You’re Near

If you spend a good amount of time in or near green environments, you're probably healthier than someone who doesn't. If you spend time near water, you're probably happier than someone who doesn't. Here's why.
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80 Ways: Walk and Eat the 5th Century

In Mexico. Back in the 5th century, this was quite the place to live. And eat. And climb pyramids. I've been making some great dishes that come from this time and place. The culture that gave us one of the original and tastiest low Glycemic Load diets. Happy Cinco de Mayo!
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