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Living Room Olympics: Your 16 Minutes

For Olympians, it's 16 days every four years. For us: how about 16 minutes every day? Improve your balance and flexibility. Get stronger. And burn 100 calories every day. That's enough to keep most of us from gaining weight. Forever.
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Slower Sunday: Uneven

They're from a very small country. No big, fancy training facilities. No sponsorships. But like athletes everywhere, they just want the opportunity to compete. To show their stuff. Press Play for the big moment.
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Stronger Monday: A minute for your hips

If you want to increase your leg strength before you start a jogging or running program, today's Hip Flexion is a great Way. It'll strengthen your hip flexors and your quadriceps. Before you ask them to go the extra mile on the treadmill or out on the street. No weight machine necessary. Just a featherweight resistance tube.
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Best & Cheapest Eats of 2015

Two of this year's big revelations in my kitchen were: sauces. Sauces that are deeply delicious and highly aromatic. Sauces that elevate simple ingredients to super satisfying main courses. One's cheap and easy. The other's free and easy. Here's to a tasty 2016 in your kitchen.
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