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Celery Root Soup

These powerfully flavorful and aromatic celery root knobs are still turning up at Farmers Markets everywhere. Seasonally abundant and cheap. Smooth and light in this addictive soup that's wonderful hot or chilled. Make a big batch.
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Spiced Cauliflower Soup. Find a big pot.

50 cents for a very big bowlful of very big flavor and your daily Vitamin C requirement. Sweet, pure cauliflower laced with warm, exotic spices. Body-satisfying but light. A perfect dish to add to your cool weather diet. Find your biggest pot and make a week's worth.
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Aromatic Roasted Red Cabbage

50 cents per aromatic, sweet, sour and slightly rich side serving. 200% of your daily Vitamin C, 50% of your Vitamin A and 100% of your Vitamin K per serving. Wow! And great color, too.
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Top this: Apples on Tarte Flambé

Thin slices of apple on top of sweet, creamy onions and crisp, super smoky bacon. On a very, very thin and crisp no-tossing, no-spinning, no-rolling pizza crust you easily make from scratch. You're forgiven in advance if you eat too much.
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Drinking & Walking: Red Wine Substitute

Like a good wine, it's refreshing. It's not sweet. You get "fruit" from apple. Sweet earthiness from beet. And herbal "notes" from sage, rosemary and mint. Really nice to sip with food. Per glass, 100 calories less than wine. And it may lower your blood pressure.
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