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Tomato+Corn+Beans: The Posole Three

Two great couples make a terrific threesome. Tomatoes and corn taste like summer. Corn and beans make complete protein. All in one bowl of soup that's deeply delicious, rich and fat-free. $1.75 for a great big bowl of it.
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Balanced Monday: Knees up. 1 at a time

A 3-minute exercise to strengthen the muscles you use to stay on your feet. To train them to react fast. So when you step onto an uneven, slippery or unstable surface that makes you to begin to lose your balance - you'll immediately regain it.
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Saving Daylight: The Links

It's Better than Cheaper. It's Free. So ask not how daylight can save you. Ask how you can save daylight. And consider these answers. For Slower conversion of daylight to tomatoes, Vitamin D and night light.
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Peek-A-Boo: Hiking another planet

New clinical research links awe to good health. If something's awesome enough to give you goose bumps, it's good for you. I just hiked Bryce Canyon National Park and got an overdose of awe. So let me share some with you. WARNING: Only YOU can prevent forest fires. Smokey the Bear just got laid off.
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Mediterranean Eating: This is a diet?

First thing I notice when I travel in Mediterranean countries is how great the food is. When I come home, I read about how healthy it is. A new study says it's even Better. A prescription for all-delicious foods that prevent heart attack and stroke.
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Slower Sunday: Singleminded

I think this'll get your full attention. Really clear your mind for a Slower Sunday. Press Play and watch a hive mind at work. A nest mind. A single mind, with many bodies. Then relax, knowing that so many are taking care of business while you rest.
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