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Spinach Tart. So seasonal. So local.

Less than $2 per serving for a rich but light lunch, brunch or dinner. Bright and herbaceous. Aromatic and delicious. More than a day's worth of Vitamin A and a load of Vitamin C. A great reward for very little preparation.
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Balanced Monday: Not as easy as it looks

A 3-minute exercise to strengthen and train the muscles you use to stay on your feet. A dynamic balance exercise. It's not as goofy or easy as it looks. A little like tightrope-walking. No rope, no net. You can do it right on the floor.
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Walk & Eat on the Beach: Miami

Time to head to the beach. Eat your way through Miami and burn more calories than you consume. Here's an all-day culinary tour that leaves you with a serious calorie deficit. And a big Vitamin D boost.
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Yogurt or Coke for breakfast? A quiz.

Unless you're eating "plain" yogurt, your fruit, coffee or vanilla yogurt has just as much sugar as a can of Coke. As much added sugar in a little 6-ounce yogurt cup as you get in an 8-ounce bottle of Coke. 100 calories from sugar, the worst kind of calories.
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Flexible Monday: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

It's Almost-Yoga Monday. And that's Sanskrit for the good old Upward Dog stretch. Great for stretching, relaxing and strengthening everything you've got above the waist. A real feel-good stretch. A lot of flexibility from two minutes of a single, simple exercise.
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Flower. Power. Happy Mother’s Day

Still wondering what to do for Mom today? You still have two good choices. Bring some flowers to Mom. Or bring Mom to some flowers. But if neither one of these works for you this year, here's a third choice. Send Mom a link to these flowers.
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