How many times has Mom cooked for you? How many times have you cooked for Mom? Hmmmm. Five suggestions for dishes you can prepare in advance. Today. When Mom's not watching. And all of them travel well.
More than 100 miles of walking and biking trails. Along Lake Michigan on the east side, the Milwaukee River on the west. Two to three hours in the morning; two to three more in the afternoon. In between tasting stops. Burn 1,500 calories along the Way.
Started out as a quick, tongue-in-cheek dinner. Turned out to be an unusually luscious, even luxurious, pizza. At least the second best thing you'll put in your mouth all day. Hard to believe every pizzeria doesn't make this. But you can. Easily.
Another great reason to grow your own herbs, even if you only have a window sill. Transform a few great just-laid eggs from the Farmers Market with the vibrant flavors of everything fresh and just-picked. Doesn't matter which flavors. The more the merrier.
Deeply flavorful, thoroughly refreshing and, yes, kinda sweet soda with a fraction of the sugar calories you'd get in a can of Coke. A low Glycemic Load soda where most of the sweetness comes from banana, not high fructose corn syrup.
Over and over. One after another. So steady. So rhythmic. Waves are a perfect rhythm section. They never miss a beat. Nature's karaoke. You do the melody, OK? Press Play. Whistle. Hum. Sing. C'mon.
Your event's coming up this week. So let's practice. No skates. No ice. No mittens. No striped tights. But almost all the exercise benefits of real skating. Balance and strength.
Sounds like something slow and lazy. You lie on your back on a strange sled. But then you slide around an icy track at 90 mph. You don't just lay there. You have to steer the thing. With your calf muscles. Really. Time to strengthen and stretch your calves, huh? C'mon, stand up.
You really don't need a mask up here. Especially not at six in the morning. It's beautiful and hopeful. Hopin' for an even better year next year. Happy New Year.
Another year that began with a lot of time in the kitchen because home was the only place that offered indoor dining. So I went to Japan and the French Alps - in my kitchen.