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The Eyes Have It Now. The Gift of Vision.

Complete and convenient protection. So get out there! In the sun. But protect your eyes. This summer, I got totally hooked on these sunglasses. They automatically darken and lighten as the sun's brightness increases and decreases. Bet you'd like to find these in your stocking.
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The Gift of Balance

For someone you love. Someone who loves you back and appreciates your genuine concern for their well-being. Someone who likes to stand on their own two feet. Somebody who could benefit from some balance training. On a Balance Board.
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The Gift of Revelation

Pizza. The big cooking revelation. Watching flour and water become pizza dough. Watching pizza dough become a pizza crust. In your own oven. If I can do this, you and everyone you know can, too. And you probably don't know anybody who doesn't love pizza. It's Thoughtful Thursday, the first day of the always thoughtful BCS Gift Guide.
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Smart Resolution #2: Grow

My little lettuce patch on the kitchen counter is a source of great pleasure and satisfaction. When it's a source of salad, the salad delivers a a layer of satisfaction that's unique to eating something you've grown. Resolve now. Buy seeds soon. Plant later.
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Resolution #1: Dance More. And Better

Let's face it, you're not gonna keep doing something you don't like to do. So if you want to make a "get more exercise" resolution that you'll actually keep, well, here's a smart bet. Get up and dance. Once a day. It'll make you smarter, too. You don't have to be good at it. You just have to do it enthusiastically.
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Sands of Time

To be honest, I've been thinking about sand a lot more than I've been thinking about time. Time for sand between my toes. Black lava sand. In Hawaii. Press Play. Close your eyes. Wiggle your toes. Happy New Year. One at a time.
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