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Pizza with a Tomato-Basil Role Reversal

The raw, ripe tomato is sweet and almost obscenely juicy. The mozzarella is browned, bubbling, gooey and rich. The basil pesto is aromatic, earthy and sizzling. The center of the crust under all this is crisp. The edges are still soft and chewy. You have to make this.
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Sex, Drugs, Rock’n’Roll

July 18, 2015. If all the data on the health benefits of exercise don’t convince you to start – or to exercise more than you already do – maybe this’ll do the trick: SEXWhether you’re identifying with a goal or…

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Summer Cocido

$3 for a huge serving of satisfying flavors, textures, protein, calcium, fiber, Vitamins A, B and C and iron. Earthy, crisp, sweet, smoky, salty. Very low Glycemic Load. Here's your chance to find out what cocido is.
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Tomato-Watermelon Ceviche. Cool.

Savory, sweet and spicy. Not your grandma's fruit salad. Extremely flavorful, satisfying and light. Less than 50 calories - pretty good for weather that discourages exercise. Prepare it in advance and refrigerate. Keep your cool at mealtime.
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Hiking the wildflowers along Bear Creek

A spectacularly beautiful hike whenever the snow's gone and you can find the trail. Right now the snow's still melting, the alpine meadows are saturated and you're surrounded by millions of flowers. No exaggeration. That's a guess that might be on the low side.
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Bok Choy. Roasted and vividly dressed.

Less than 50 cents for a big serving of a deeply and brightly flavored vegetable course that'll stand up to anything from the barbecue. Delivers more than a day's worth of vitamins A, C and K with less than 100 calories and a near-zero Glycemic Load.
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