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Balanced Monday: Still Standing

After my annual ski trip. Six great days. Just two small falls. All the credit goes to this 7-minute daily routine. It'll improve your balance, flexibility and strength - right where it counts.
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Slower Sunday: Brain Thaw

They walked into a park. Electrodes attached to their heads. Their brain waves went quiet. Meditative. Press Play. Watch. Listen. Then walk your Way into relaxed. Winter or Spring. You can leave your electrodes home.
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80 Ways: Chilaquiles Breakfast in Mexico

80 Ways to eat very well. 80 recipes based on traditional healthy cuisines around the world. From very different places with very different diets. But they all have two things in common: no highly processed foods and very low daily glycemic loads. Let's have breakfast in Mexico.
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Get dirty. Plant something.

It's time. March. Then April. Then the showers bring May flowers. And July tomatoes and herbs. I just picked the last leaves on last year's basil plant that's been withering on the kitchen windowsill. I'll plant this year's crop at the end of next month. C'mon, plant something.
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Living Room Olympics: Figures Skating

Ever see an Olympic figure skater who didn't have a great figure? A tight little butt, flat abs, total flexibility and great balance? Of course not. So what does it take to get into those tight little costumes? Might be this all-in-one exercise that strengthens and stretches everything.
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