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When I’m 64

That'll be next week. And I can't get this song out of my head. I was an 18-year old Beatles fan when I rushed home to pull the shrink wrap off the just-released Sgt. Pepper's LP. Still remember every word of every song. Which must be a good sign.
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Slower Sunday: relatively big

Today's the last day of National Park Week. Last day the spectacular canyons, rivers and forests are free. On the Big Island, even the volcanoes are free. And really big. Press Play to start your Sunday big. Or small, depending how you look at it.
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Green. Peace. Take a walk in a park.

Parks are peaceful. So no surprise when a walk in the park delivers a sense of calm. But it's surprising how quickly it delivers. And how little green it takes to improve your physical and mental health. Better and Cheaper than prescription drugs. Not necessarily Slower.
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Slower Sunday: Free Fall

Not just waterfalls. Whole parks. All 401 of them. It's National Park Week and admission's free. To the most beautiful places on our part of the planet. Press Play for a free preview.
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Slower Sunday: Slower Spring Training

My Forsythia's in full bloom. You can use it for a little practice. Spring training. Slower training. C'mon, it's Sunday. It'll just take a minute. Press Play. Then you'll be ready to get out there, into the field. For the real thing.
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Slower Sunday: Brain Waves

They walked into a park. Electrodes attached to their heads. Their brain waves went quiet. Meditative. Press Play. Watch. Listen. Then walk your Way into calm and relaxed. You can leave your electrodes home.
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Slower Sunday: Looking marvelous

Even when they don't feel that Way. So let's thank the crocuses for being real troopers. Even when the sky's gray and the air's freezing. And nothing else reminds you of spring. Here they are. Shivering, but looking marvelous. Press Play.
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