This is what I want the day after Thanksgiving. It's easy. It's mouth-and-soul-warming. It's got exotic flavors and aromas laced through a sweetly familiar, comfortable squash soup.
What a crazy way this is to eat an apple. But, then, what's it like to be the apple? This'll slow you down. Whether you're an apple or a human. Just Press Play.
This could be your Thanksgiving dessert. Rich but not heavy. Satisfying and seductive, not Spartan. A fill-the-mouth and warm-the-soul fruit and cheese course.
A great Way to burn more calories than you swallow in a full day of sightseeing. More than 2,000 calories burned. In 8 hours or less. About 17 miles. And 3 great meals.
Delicious and beautiful. 50 cents per serving. If a gratin sounds like something you shouldn't try to do at home by yourself, the sound's deceiving. Click. Tasting is believing.
For dinner. Shockingly delicious. The roasted garlic is a big part of it. But it's the combination with the dark, herbaceous kale that really surprised me. I don't know why this isn't a national dish somewhere. $3. Serves 6.
You're on foot, but you feel like you should be on your trusty old horse. Sagebrush is blowin' in the wind. Everything slows down. Press Play. Just take a minute. For a magic trail.
Apple-Cheddar-Bacon Bread Pudding. The perfect breakfast for a Slower Fall Saturday or Sunday. Smells as great as it tastes. Turns you whole home into an aromatherapy clinic while it's in the oven. $4. Serves 8 - 12.
Backbone Trail up to Castro Peak. Back down to the Malibu beaches. Walk 15 miles. Burn 1,800 calories - Way more than you (should) eat at Coogie's and Duke's.