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Ramps taste like Spring

Maybe it's just the timing. Or maybe it's the actual flavor. After a long winter, they taste really fresh and bright. The way the first really great July tomatoes taste like summer. A month from now, they'll be gone. Try them now in this quinoa salad.
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5-minute Mayo

Well this was another eye-opener for me. Homemade mayonnaise. Way Better and Cheaper than anything you can buy. Good enough to savor slowly as a dip for raw vegetables. Only five minutes to make a batch.
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You’re welcome for the sweet thank-you’s

Wow. Lots of mail yesterday and Sunday from subscribers who read or heard about "Is Sugar Toxic?" in the New York Times Magazine. If you missed the article, here's a link, a summary and a list of truly tasty ways to reduce your sugar consumption.
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Balance: Push-ups on the Board

Press Play to see how you can use a Balance Board to improve your upper body and core strength. It's like doing push-ups when the floor is rocking back and forth. Do a few. Then get up and use your board to improve your standing balance. One leg at a time. Just Press Play.
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Slower Sunday: Spring Training

My Forsythia's in full bloom. You can use it for a little practice. Spring training. Slower training. C'mon, it's Sunday. It'll just take a minute. Press Play. Then you'll be ready to get out there, into the field. For the real thing.
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Matzo. Flatbread. Passover optional.

Whether you're leaving Egypt in a big hurry or you just want to make a great flatbread in a few minutes. Delicious and easy because it's got olive oil in it. Infinitely better than those square things that come in a box. Good enough to serve without Passover.n
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Hiking Lucky on the Oregon Coast

Easy to get lucky here. Seems like the entire coastline is preserved, maintained and public. And very, very beautiful. Two, three or four hours on the Cape Sebastian Trail. 1,200 - 1,800 calories. Four to seven miles, you decide where to turn around.
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Exotic Eyeful: The Spring Orchid Shows

This is worth a trip. This is a trip. Flowers so strange and beautiful it's hard to imagine they occur in nature. On this planet. This seems to be orchid season; the shows are everywhere. Find one near you. Find an hour to stare at flowers that will leave you speechless.
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Rainy day omelet: Vitamin D, sun & food

This isn't really about the eggs or the salmon. It's about their Vitamin D. One of the few things you can't get enough of from a healthy diet. But it's something your skin synthesizes when it's exposed to sunlight. Ten minutes a day during Spring and Summer may do the trick for the whole year.
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Happy Home Farming Day

Good timing. Because you have to get started during the next couple of weeks if you want to eat like a home farmer in a couple of months. The ripest, freshest, tastiest and sweetest. A totally hands-on experience: appreciate something very simple and unimaginably complicated.
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