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Slower Sunday: Those Cool Days of May

Today, let's be Better Cooler Slower. All the way back to, well, a couple of months ago. Before the heat. Take a little break, just a couple of minutes, to look at something cool and beautiful. And do nothing else. It's Sunday. Just press Play.
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Cool Your Greens

With the weather this hot, I'm doing all I can think of to keep us all cool. While I was eating my salad and daydreaming about snow yesterday, I thought what if I froze the salad dressing - and let it melt and dress the greens? Cool salads.
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Indoor Hiking: a Museum Mile or Two

When the temperature-humidity index approaches triple digits, it's time for indoor hiking. If you're on your feet for 3-4 hours, you'll cover 3+ miles and burn 600-1000 calories in The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
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Soda Pop: Make Your Own Ginger Ale

This sounds like a great idea - but if it doesn't taste great, it's just an idea - not a solution. So I'm going to give you a tasty taste every week until you get hooked on one. This is a healthy addiction that can replace a very unhealthy one.
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Garden Watch #3: Blueberry Shortcake

There's nothing better than a handful of fresh blueberries, with the possible exception of Blueberry Shortcake. You can make the shortcake biscuit dough in five minutes flat. Seven to ten minutes in a 450-degree oven and you've got a killer dessert.
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Peach Sunday

I got a huge bag of white and yellow peaches in my CSA farm share this week, so I'm making a Peach Pizza for brunch. And because today is National Ice Cream Day, it's time for homemade peach ice cream, too.
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Pizza: Farm and Garden Fresh

Two great pizzas. Two bucks each. Totally fresh. Tomato-Basil and Escarole-Prosciutto. If you have kids or a significant other with bad eating habits, pizza crust is a great platform for healthy ingredients. I mean, who doesn't want to eat a pizza?
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