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Lemon Tart. Now an official habit.

After one of those moments when you realize that you, all by yourself, can make something you love to eat. And - quickly and easily - you can make it so much Better and Cheaper than you can buy it. So making it becomes a habit.
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The Walk That Ate Hollywood

No limo. No red carpet. All sidewalks and trails. This is the Hollywood Reality Walk. The coolest views. The best eats. Do the all-day, all-in Walk, burn 2,500 calories and deserve your own star on The Walk of Fame.
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Chili. It’s about the chile. Carne or no

Serious, real-deal chili. Deeply delicious and satisfying. Deep, broad and complex flavors. There's much more going on here than just heat. With or without carne, you just need great chile powder to make a great chili for National Chili Day.
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Slower Sunday: Both sides now.

I know I shouldn't get too close to the edge up here. But that's where the view is. You don't really get to see down the canyon unless you go over to the edge. Press Play. Have a slowly exciting Sunday.
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Double Hot Chocolate

Have a cup of this rich, intensely delicious, spicy hot chocolate that's a low-calorie adult beverage with a Mexican accent. Super fragrant. A viscous, tongue-coating texture without milk or cream. And very healthy.
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Walking On Lava

This is a magical place. Until I saw lava flow into the ocean and form land, I didn't really understand time or space. Give this walk a chance and it'll change you.
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