This is what I want melting in my mouth this holiday weekend. Popsicles. Savory and sweet. A meal on a stick. They're delicious. They're fun. They make everyone smile. Pursue happiness.
What's going to be on your plate this 4th of July? If it's meat, read this before you go shopping: results from a Harvard School of Public Health study and from my grill. Halve your meat and double your fun.
A simple, gentle exercise to strengthen and train the muscles you use to stay on your feet. A dynamic balance exercise you can do on a balance board or a pillow. Summer's coming: get ready for surfing. Hang five.
You're walking in the sand. You sink in a little more with each step. You know that when you get to the top of the dune, you'll have a spectacular view of ...
This Way is about shopping as much as cooking. Shopping for whatever's phenomenally fresh right now. And adding a two-minute trick to your dinner preparation time in return for a great version of a simple dinner.
San Antonio's a city whose biggest tourist attraction is a ... Walk. A River Walk. Miles of riverfront lined with walkways, parks and restaurants. A perfect place for a Walk That Ate. Nine miles, four or five hours, 1,500 calories burned. Have another taco.
It was 95 F. Felt like 105 with the humidity. It's cool not to cook. It's cool to take a chilled bowl of refreshing, slightly spicy soup out of the fridge. A 15-minute job, start to finish. No sweat. Just seasonally ripe, cheap vegetables in your blender.
Super creamy. Brilliant green. Lots of spinach. Zero cream. But all that fresh, raw, chopped spinach is slicked with a Bechamel sauce that's creamier than cream. All together, the most luxurious Way to eat your spinach.
If you don't know Paella, it's the great traditional rice dish of Spain. If you don't know the Three Sisters, well, let me tell you a short story. It's beautiful, aromatic, luscious, and deeply flavorful. And I'm pretty sure you'll like the photos.
Let's start the week loose. Comfortable. Flexible. Because flexible muscles make everything easier and less tiring. Today's Way'll relax and stretch your lower back and hips. Make them feel and function better.