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Slower Sunday: Big, hot and steamy

I'm not talking about that Mary J. Blige half time show a few years ago. I'm talking about Poas. The old volcano everyone knows by its first name. At the center of Costa Rica. So big you could put five stadiums in its crater. A real force of nature.
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Super Bowl Math: The Snack Odds

What are the odds you'll gain - or lose - weight during the big game? You burn about 100 calories per hour by sitting upright, chewing and talking between bites. What you're chewing makes all the difference.
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The Walk That Ate New Orleans

Some folks go for Super Bowl, some for Mardi Gras or Jazz Fest. I just go to eat. Between big events. When it's easy to walk the streets. That's important because it's Way too easy to just eat. Here's a Way to see the town and burn more calories than you swallow.
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Party Flavors

No fumbles. If you're eating while you're watching The Game, you need a handheld strategy. Snacks that stay on your little plate, in your hand or in your mouth. Even while you're jumping up and down. May the best snacks be eaten.
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Rainforest Snacks: Patacones Lite

About 10 cents for a very flavorful and satisfying bite-size snack. With lots of Vitamins A and C from your fresh, homemade plantain chips topped with sour cream and pineapple or chorizo. Could be the Super Bowl snack of choice here in Costa Rica.
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Moving Monday: 1 minute for your neck

The Perfect Valentine's Day exercise. C'mon, get necking. Because even if you exercise vigorously for an hour daily, too much sitting the rest of the day significantly increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity. So when you're in front of your TV or computer, do this for a minute, every hour or two.
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Walking & Eating in Beijing

Could be an all-day 26-mile hike. Could be a 4-mile spin around the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square. Could walk a mile inside the Farmers Market or through 4,000 cypress trees to get to Heaven. Whichever way you turn, this is a delicious way to see the sights while you burn way more calories than you consume.
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