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Warm Winter Hiking: Three Magical Miles

I was thinking about the totally weird and beautiful skyline of New Mexico's Tent Rocks while I walked down the suddenly deserted Park Avenue canyon last week. The wind chill was below zero. I was the only human. A landscape I take for granted became a new world. I wonder if the Cochiti Indians notice these Tent Rocks.
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Fish skin. Crispy and light.

It's a weird thing, fish skin. It can be as a good as a really good potato chip. Thin, light, crisp, dry, slightly salty. Or it can be slippery, oily, chewy and even a little fatty. Something that could strike you as ... gross. Here's how you make the really good version.
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Great Leftovers: Salsa-Sauteed Fish

Jamming to finish the last unfinished business before vacation. Delighted to make a great meal in six minutes. A fish entree that's thoroughly satisfying, hugely flavorful and completely healthful. Light but hearty, high-protein, zero glycemic load.
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Great Leftovers Week: Polenta Tostadas

Next week: vacation. This week: lots of work to do - and great appreciation for batches of leftover deliciousness that require no real cooking. Like salsa verde-topped "tostadas" made from leftover polenta. Tart, sweet, spicy, warm, soft and crispy in each bite.
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Old hippies look both ways.
Backward and Forward

OK, we got some of the details wrong, but we were onto something. Love wasn't really all you need, but look how important you think it is now. Pretty important, ya think? Take a look at this health data that shows how and why you actually do get by a lot better with a little help from your friends.
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The Sands of Time. Between My Toes.

It's that time of year when everything conspires to make you think about time. But I have to admit, I'm thinking less about time and more about sand. Where my toes would like to be. Press Play, put your feet up and let your toes watch.
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Slower Resolutions

Slower resolutions. Think about years. Think about a year ago. If you started then, you'd be there now. Wherever your there is. So take this next year to do something you'd really like to do. No rush.
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Lucky Hangover Cure

In South Carolina, USA, they eat a lot of Hoppin' John next week. Rice and black-eyed peas. For some, it's the hangover cure. For others, it brings good luck for the New Year. In this version, South Carolina meets Italian cuisine. I feel lucky already.
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