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Don’t Fall Fall: Flex Those Hips

You could slip, trip or otherwise sprain an ankle or end up on your butt later today. And off both feet for six to eight weeks. So take a minute to consider two minutes a day of Balance Training. One leg at a time. Just Press Play.
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80 Ways: Real, Safe Diet Soda

Doesn't come in a can or bottle. Because the artificial sweeteners in there won't help you lose weight. They may lead to weight gain and diabetes, stroke or dementia. If you're a diet soda user, I'll give you a bunch of good news solutions after I explain the latest bad news.
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Tricky Treat Walk To A Calorie Deficit

Capri is a very vertical island. One that separates the Walkers from the passengers. The trick is: walk everywhere. Because you'll burn way more calories than you consume. And this is Italy. There are a lot of consumption opportunities. Treats everywhere.
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Apple-A-Day: Sweet & Spicy Apple Slaw

A light, bright, pungent and crunchy salad to balance heavier, richer Fall dishes. An unusually delicious side dish that delivers huge flavor with very few calories and a very, very low glycemic load for 40 cents per serving.
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Pumpkin Pops: Trick or Treat?

They look great. They smell great. They taste great. Like bite-size pumpkin pies on a stick, only better. A small random sample of adults love them. But only tonight - and the kids - will decide: trick or treat.
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Don’t Fall Fall: It’s about your balance

After all your Summer Stretches, you should be totally flexible and ready to take on Don't Fall Fall. A season of simple, easy exercises to keep you well balanced. And on your feet. So when you begin to lose your balance - you'll immediately regain it.
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Slower Sunday: Patchwork

The walk through the patch to find the perfect pumpkin is a pretty perfect thing to do on a Sunday. This Sunday. I think this is the one. Little blemish, but great shape. Ya think?
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Tart Plum Tart, slightly sweetened

Sweet-and-tart fruit filling a flaky, buttery luxury-in-your-mouth homemade pie crust. Definitely sweet enough for dessert. Not too sweet for breakfast. Your kitchen smells like a very good bakery. Your slice costs 75 cents.
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