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Roast Beef Hash: The Great Sequel

So tasty, quick and easy. The holiday's best leftover. That Christmas Rib Roast is deeply delicious. If you served reasonable portion sizes, you have leftovers and the makings of a great hash. For breakfast, lunch and/or dinner.
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Christmas Eve in the south of France

They're enjoying the Gros Souper. The Great Supper. All satisfaction, no deprivation. But not many calories. And a Glycemic Load near zero. It's luscious, it's fragrant. Preparation time: less than 10 minutes. You can do this. Easily.
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Best Last-Minute Gift: BCS Gift Subscription

Gotta be the healthiest $10 gift around. And it's on a 365-day time release. Cheaper than a card for our planet. In carbon footprint terms, a year of BCS costs the planet less than one Christmas card from Hallmark and the Post Office. Better Cheaper Slower.
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Feast of 7 Chickens: How, When & Why

How: easily. When: four hours of active preparation time, Christmas morning or the day before. Why: you get a delicious, aromatic, beautiful and wildly impressive 7-course meal. That's Cheaper and Healthier than almost any alternative. Per person: less than $10, 650 calories, and a Glycemic Load of 10. Really.
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Feast of the Seven Fishes

I always thought the traditional Christmas Eve Feast of the Seven Fishes was a very cool idea for a festive meal. So this year I'm planning a very cool menu that you can easily knock off in two well-planned hours. So your Christmas Eve day will be a Slower Happier holiday.
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