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Small butt. Big gut. Look out.

Visceral fat. The fat that deposits itself between and around your abdominal organs. Not the shallow, pinchable "subcutaneous" fat below your skin. The Deep Dangerous Fat. Let's make withdrawals, not deposits. More aerobic exercise time, less couch time.
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Eating Fall Colors

And Fall's crops. Just-picked acorn squash and just-pulled beets. With "new crop" polenta. A completely satisfying one-plate meal that looks like a successful art project. That's earthy, sweet, soft and luscious.
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Chicago: All Walking & Eating, No Wind

Chicago's a great Walking city. Especially in Autumn. Before the freezing winter winds blow in off the Lake. Here's a 12.5-mile Loop, 5 or 6 hours. Either Way, you'll burn about 1,500 calories. So the big question is where to eat. I'll point out some favorites along the Way that are great values.
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Baked Eggs & Greens. No ham. Bacon?

A great example of Slow Food and Fast Cooking. Less than 20 minutes from start-to-table for a luscious dish that looks, smells and tastes like the definition of wholesome. Remarkably flavorful organic spinach and beautiful eggs from the Farmers Market.
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Tofu, crispy and ready for prime time

Delightful and fun to eat. Easy to make. A deeply delicious and super-aromatic dish. The fragrance of coconut. A crispy, pungent herb pesto crust surrounding your firm, custard-like, high-protein tofu. A great addition to a healthy diet.
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Slower Sunday: No hands, no cavities

You look at your apple and you think, how hard could this be? Then you open your mouth, you bend over and you think, hey, how is this even possible? If you haven't done it for a while, you'll need some practice. And a face towel.
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