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Potato Chips: Good or Evil?

Make a bowl of your own crisp, light, healthy ones for 20 cents. Or buy a bag of the commercial chips more responsible for long-term weight gain than any other food. Weight gain that leads to diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.
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Zucchini Burgers: Vegetarians at a BBQ

What every zucchini wants to be. What every vegetarian at your BBQ wants to eat. Delicious. A great Way to enjoy abundant, cheap Summer squash at its seasonal flavor peak. A light crunchy crust protects the sweet flavors of Summer squash and aromatic fresh basil.
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Labor of love

I know it's a holiday, but let's do the math. As I sit at my computer and write this, I'm burning about 40 calories every 30 minutes. Probably the same rate you're expending energy while you read and push your mouse or slide your finger. But now it gets more interesting ...
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Breakfast Satisfaction: PBY & J

This might be the perfect breakfast for you. Smooth, tart yogurt. Sweet, ripe fruit. Luscious, maybe salty, could be smooth or chunky ... peanut butter. Everything you could want in a breakfast. Nothing you don't want.
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I’ll have ice with that: Hike in Jasper

90 degrees in New York. I closed my eyes, strapped on my snowshoes and transported myself to the Athabasca Glacier. Wishing I was back on the Wilcox Pass Trail. I get the shivers just thinking about the view. Which really beats getting the sweats.
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Pop Culture Week: Peach’sicles

They're great right off the tree. But if you want a super-cooled sweet on a hot Summer day, make a popsicle. Really ripe peaches. So sweet with no added sugar. A wonderfully refreshing Way to end a hot day. Or to start one: lick your breakfast.
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Summer Squash Gratin: Sweet & Aromatic

This might be the most satisfying thing you can do with Summer Squash. It's rich but very light. It's sweet and aromatic. A perfect summer side dish for any main course, or a great main course itself. Low on calories. Lower on Glycemic Load.
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Pizza with everything fresh on it

When the Farmers Market looks like a huge crop of pizza toppings, buy veggies, toss dough, make summer's best pizza. That crust is a great platform for healthy ingredients. A great new habit waiting to replace a bad old one.
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