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Breakfast Satisfaction: PBY & J

This might be the perfect breakfast for you. Smooth, tart yogurt. Sweet, ripe fruit. Luscious, maybe salty, could be smooth or chunky ... peanut butter. Everything you could want in a breakfast. Nothing you don't want.
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I’ll have ice with that: Hike in Jasper

90 degrees in New York. I closed my eyes, strapped on my snowshoes and transported myself to the Athabasca Glacier. Wishing I was back on the Wilcox Pass Trail. I get the shivers just thinking about the view. Which really beats getting the sweats.
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Pop Culture Week: Peach’sicles

They're great right off the tree. But if you want a super-cooled sweet on a hot Summer day, make a popsicle. Really ripe peaches. So sweet with no added sugar. A wonderfully refreshing Way to end a hot day. Or to start one: lick your breakfast.
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Summer Squash Gratin: Sweet & Aromatic

This might be the most satisfying thing you can do with Summer Squash. It's rich but very light. It's sweet and aromatic. A perfect summer side dish for any main course, or a great main course itself. Low on calories. Lower on Glycemic Load.
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Pizza with everything fresh on it

When the Farmers Market looks like a huge crop of pizza toppings, buy veggies, toss dough, make summer's best pizza. That crust is a great platform for healthy ingredients. A great new habit waiting to replace a bad old one.
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Apricot Tart: Breakfast or Dessert?

Concentrated sweetness from very ripe, barely cooked fruit on the verge of apricot jam. Flaky, buttery luxury-in-your-mouth from your homemade pie crust. Your home smells like a very good bakery. Your slice costs 75 cents.
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Seven Glaciers in Seven Hours. Cool.

August is Glacier Month at BCS because, well, what's Better and Cheaper than finding a cool spot in a national park in August? What's Slower than a glacier? What's cooler than seeing seven glaciers in a single hike in Glacier National Park? You have to do this hike someday.
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