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Burgers for the 21st Century

Portobello Burgers. Another Way to have more vegetables and less meat in your diet. More fun and fewer calories this Labor Day. Think of it as a really big stuffed mushroom. Two giant, meaty, juicy portobellos replace the bun.
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Kohlrabi Slaw. Say what?

A very tasty cruciferous vegetable that looks like a small alien life form. Crunchy like celery root. Sweet like cabbage. Earthy like turnips. A really nice vegetable. Cheap, too. Because nobody knows what to do with it. Well, here's one good Way to enjoy it.
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Quicker Cheaper Chicken Upgrade

Put a little garlic aioli into a chicken breast and, suddenly, the kind-of-dry white meat is juicy and intensely flavorful. Aromatic. Takes just two minutes and five cents worth of my 5-minute mayo.
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Naked Exercise #4: Push Up

Stripped down. No equipment. No exercise balls, no balance boards, no weights. Not just Better and Cheaper. Better and Free. Strengthen your arms, shoulders, hands and wrists. Press Play.
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Slower Sunday: Almost there

The trailhead's 5 miles behind us. Trail's only supposed to be 4.5 miles long. Just 4.5 miles to a stunning alpine lake. So I'm starting to wonder. Where's the lake? Press Play and see.
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80 Ways: Yogurt. Sweet as you want it.

80 recipes from traditional healthy cuisines around the world. From places and times that never heard of diabetes, overweight/obesity and cardiovascular disease epidemics. Today: A Better Way To Start Your Day. Plain yogurt as sweet as you want it.
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Air-Conditioned Hikes

When the natural world's temperature-humidity index hits 110 F and its air quality index is less than poor, it's time to get artificial. Man-made air. Man-made beauty. Time for a little museum hiking. If you're on your feet for three or four hours, you'll burn somewhere between 600 and 1,000 calories while you feed your head.
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80 Ways: Beet the Heat

80 recipes from traditional healthy cuisines around the world. From places and times that never heard of diabetes, overweight/obesity and cardiovascular disease epidemics. Today: chilled borscht. Hot color. Cool mouthful. A GL of just 5. Deep earthy, sweet flavor.
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Olive Oil Advisory

If you use a lot of it, it's even Better than you thought. If you don't, you should. Here's a study that looks at virgin olive oil and finds it reduces the risk of stroke. Significantly. And here are a bunch of delicious Ways to get more in your diet.
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More Lettuce: Inside-Out BLT

A sandwich that wanted to be a salad. To take advantage of cheap, plentiful summer greens at their seasonal peak. The lettuce is on the outside and the bread's on the inside. An all-American BLT. Just a little confused.
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