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80 Ways: Pizza Week. Red. No sauce.

80 recipes based on traditional healthy cuisines around the globe. They all have two things in common: no highly processed foods and low daily glycemic loads. Like this bright red vegetarian pizza that's soft, sweet, melting, luscious and mellow.
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Declaration of Independence

Pursue happiness. Vigorously. Be independently healthy. Declare independence from the health care racket. Independence from the industrial food complex. Enjoy freedom to go anywhere feet can go. It may not be self-evident, but it's true that the pursuit itself produces happiness.
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Summer Stretch: On your back!

Because flexible muscles make everything easier and less tiring. Lifting packages, bending over to tie your shoes or running to catch a bus. Because I want to help you find the easiest Ways to feel Better every day. Let's start on your back.
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80 Ways: Worldwide Chocolate: Mousse

80 recipes. Based on traditional healthy cuisines around the globe. They all have two things in common: no highly processed foods and very low daily glycemic loads. Lots of them have a third: chocolate. Which has a GL near zero. Which is the second-best reason to make and eat this.
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A Walk in the Eternal Forest

Something beautiful growing, flying or crawling everywhere you look. The land of biodiversity. Here in the Children's Eternal Rainforest, in Costa Rica, thousands of species of flora and fauna enjoy tens of thousands of protected acres.
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80 Ways: Frozen Pizza on a Stick

Savory popsicles. They're delicious, they're weird, they'll make you laugh, they'll make you happy whenever they're in your mouth. A convenient, frozen-solid, hand-held pizza on a stick. Great ingredients you can't stop licking.
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80 Ways: So cool. Raita Popsicles

Raita is a refreshing yogurt dip that's usually served with spicy Indian foods. It cools things down. When you freeze it in a popsicle mold, things get turned around. And really cool. Now it's something you dip in your mouth. Something delicious and refreshing on its own.
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80 Ways: Gazpacho’sicles. Cool licks

80 recipes from traditional healthy cuisines around the world. Lower your body temperature to complete comfort in one minute flat with this low Glycemic Load pop. A convenient, frozen, hand-held soup and salad on a stick. Great for parties.
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Summer Stretch: Your quadriceps

Because flexible muscles make everything easier and less tiring. Today, we'll stretch and strengthen your quadriceps. Three minutes to counteract upper leg muscle shortening and to strengthen dozens of muscles that keep you upright.
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