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Summer Stretch: Your quadriceps

Because flexible muscles make everything easier and less tiring. Today, we'll stretch and strengthen your quadriceps. Three minutes to counteract upper leg muscle shortening and to strengthen dozens of muscles that keep you upright.
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Oh, K: Vitamin K, lettuce and your bones

You probably know you need Vitamin D to absorb and use calcium to maintain bone health. But you might not know about Vitamin K, the other vitamin that contributes mightily to bone strength and density. The one that leafy greens are full of.
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1379′ Above Lobster Level

The summit of Sargent Mountain in Maine's Acadia National Park was the perfect place to celebrate National Lobster Day. But that was yesterday, and this is now. And the summit's still almost high enough to see all the Way down to Beal's Lobster Pier. Best lobster roll in town.
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80 Ways: Ice Cream & Fruit in Italy

80 Ways to eat very well. 80 recipes based on traditional healthy cuisines around the world. From very different places with very different diets. But they all have two things in common: no highly processed foods and very low daily glycemic loads. Let's have dessert in Italy.
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80 Ways: Portuguese Caldo Verde

80 recipes based on traditional healthy cuisines around the globe. They all have two things in common: no highly processed foods and very low daily glycemic loads. Like this wonderful soup. Rich but not heavy. Luscious and bright at the same time. Mellow, smoky and spicy all at once.
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80 Ways: Best Bar Snack In Town

80 recipes from traditional healthy cuisines around the world. Garbanzos fritos are still addictively tasty in Spain's tapas bars. Hundreds of years after Columbus brought beans and peppers back from the New World.
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Brains, bellies and biceps

No, this isn't a smart full-body workout. And it's definitely not a recipe. It's six compelling reasons to get some exercise and get with a lower Glycemic Load diet. Let's connect the dots.
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Slower Sunday: Fathers and sons

They teach you to throw. They teach you to catch. You learn that what goes up, comes back down. You learn there's a lot to learn. Might be a good day to go out and play catch. Never know what you might learn.
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