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Mt. Crawford via the historic Davis Path

Four miles roundtrip. On the oldest mountain hiking trail in the United States. To the summit of Mt. Crawford. Just 12 miles farther to the top of Mt. Washington. Since 1819. Before the invention of switchbacks. It's short but steep. The views are 360.
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80 Ways: Maine: Lobster Cakes and Hash

80 recipes based on traditional healthy cuisines around the globe. Diets with no highly processed foods and low daily glycemic loads. With dishes Like this deeply delicious, intensely aromatic treat that won't break the bank or the daily GL goal. Happy National Lobster Day!
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80 Ways: Strawberry Shortcake!

80 recipes from traditional healthy cuisines around the world. They all have two things in common: no highly processed foods and low daily glycemic loads. Strawberry Shortcake? Yup. Really. I'll explain. But first, let me wish you a very happy National Strawberry Shortcake Day.
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80 Ways: Juicy and tasty in Portugal

80 recipes based on traditional healthy cuisines around the globe. They all have two things in common: no highly processed foods and very low daily glycemic loads. Like this escabeche that makes leftover chicken as delicious as hot-out-of-the-oven.
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June. I lose 5 lbs. It’s the lettuce.

Every June. I lose five pounds. I don't try to. It's all the amazingly flavorful greens we get from our CSA farm share. There's not much room left on the plate for anything else. So you eat a lot less of the high-calorie stuff. And you get inventive with lettuce.
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To Train in Spain, Climb Above the Plain

I found myself in Spain during the final two weeks of training for my ascent of Mt. Kilimanjaro. So I found a nice little mountain to practice on. Right in the middle of wine country, near the border of La Rioja and the Basque Country. You want to know about this place.
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80 Ways: Lettuce. Size Matters.

80 recipes from traditional healthy cuisines around the world. From places and times that never heard of diabetes, overweight/obesity and cardiovascular disease epidemics. Like the time of the Great Depression.Hunger. Scarcity. Or just anxiety about scarcity. Something that's very right now for a lot of people, don't you think? Time for this big, fat sandwich that's a light, refreshing, crunchy and luscious Way to get more leafy greens into your diet.
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80 Ways: To Cook A Wolf

80 recipes from traditional healthy cuisines around the world. From places and times that never heard of diabetes, overweight/obesity and cardiovascular disease epidemics. Like the time of the Great Depression. The wolf at the door was hunger. Or scarcity. Or anxiety about scarcity. Something that's very right now for a lot of people, don't you think? Time for this cool, flavorful lettuce soup.
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