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80 Ways: Choucroute? Or dogs with ‘kraut

Around the World in 80 Ways, eating very, very well all the Way. 80 recipes based on traditional healthy cuisines from around the globe. All with two things in common: no highly processed foods and very low glycemic loads. Here's one with warmth from France.
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80 Ways: Tsimmes for Passover

80 recipes based on traditional healthy cuisines around the globe. This one is a fruit and root vegetable stew that's traditionally served at the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Passover, which begins today. A sweet, aromatic and thoroughly satisfying dish with Way more than your daily Vitamin A and C requirements and less than 300 calories.
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Moving Monday: 1 minute for your calves

Even if you exercise vigorously for 1 hour every day, too much sitting the rest of the day significantly increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity. So when you're in front of your TV or computer, stand up and do this for a minute.
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80 Ways: Finger food can save the world

80 Ways. You can count them on the fingers of, well, 16 hands. You might want to invite some friends over for this. Now, if you use forks, spoons and knives, raise your hands. OK. Now, use them instead. Here's why you should. Eat with your hands.
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Glacier Hiking: A Limited Time Offer

Let's quietly contemplate the beauty of an exhausting, 5,000-calorie-burning 13-mile hike in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Get out there and do it while the glaciers are still there. You've got until 2030, maybe.
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80 Ways: From the Alps with love

80 recipes from traditional healthy cuisines around the world. Pizzoccheri is an Alpine vegetable lasagna. With a lot of protein, 100% of your daily Vitamins A and C and calcium. A luscious, aromatic meal with a low Glycemic Load.
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80 Ways: From Spain with rice

80 recipes from traditional healthy cuisines around the world. Paella: the great traditional rice dish of Spain. Rice with whatever you want. Seafood in the coastal regions. Chorizo sausage and chicken in other parts. Or lots of tomatoes and other vegetables everywhere.
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