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Moving Monday: Just how fast is “brisk”?

This a big, important, mostly unanswered question for everyone who walks for exercise. So I thought you'd want to know about a recent study that provides a very specific definition of "brisk". Because "brisk" is Way Better for your health than Slower.
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More Apple Pie!

Because there's nothing Better to make or eat when you're snowed in, rained out or just cold. Turn on the oven, clear your sinuses, rub your hands together in anticipation. You know it's extraordinarily satisfying to eat. Click and you'll see how totally easy it is to make.
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The Walk That Ate Tapas

Centuries before BCS Walking & Eating Extravaganzas, folks strolled the streets of Sevilla, Spain to eat tapas. One small dish at each bar. Then around the corner to the next bar. It's not clear if the tapas tradition existed before Columbus set sail from Seville to discover the New World's chile peppers, tomatoes and corn.
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80 Ways: Classic Comfort Food in Greece

80 recipes based on traditional healthy cuisines around the globe. They all have two things in common: no highly processed foods and very low daily glycemic loads. Like this classic that combines crisp, buttery, rich, luscious and herbaceous.
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80 Ways: Cassoulet for a Cold Spring Day

80 recipes from traditional healthy cuisines around the world. Here's one from a part of France where the first days of Spring can feel like winter and folks like hearty dishes. Like this stew of big, creamy, buttery white beans, tomato, garlic and rich, smoky meats.
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Around the World in 80 Ways

80 Ways to eat very, very well. In the next 80 days. 80 recipes based on traditional cuisines around the globe. The world's greatest hits. From places and times that never heard of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease epidemics. Bon voyage. Bon appétit.
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Virus, immunity & exercise

I adapted this from a Way I wrote about the flu. It's about building your immunity in general - by exercising. There's no way to know today if it's specifically relevant to the coronavirus variants. But we do know that exercise is a good thing for a lot of reasons. So it's worth a shot. If you'd like to pass this on, please do - it's accessible to everyone; no subscription necessary. Stay healthy.
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