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The Walk That Ate San Sebastian

Surf City, here we come! Walk this Way and you'll be thinking you should relocate here. Beaches, hiking, great pintxo bars on every corner. Here's an 8-hour day of sightseeing and eating where you burn more calories than you consume.
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Turkey Mole. The sauce, not the animal.

Let's be clear: this is about turkey in one of the world's great sauces. It has nothing to do with the small, burrowing animal. In fact, the sauce is vegan. And it may be the richest, most explosively flavorful sauce you'll ever have. In Mexico, it elevates turkey to greatness.
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Veal-Ricotta Meatballs

The best meatballs I've ever had. The ricotta cheese keeps them light and airy. The finely ground veal and grated parmigiano make them deeply flavorful. Less than $5 for a very large serving, including spaghetti and sauce.
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Aerobics: 15 minutes in 15 square feet

Aerobic exercise in your own time and space. Find 15 minutes and 15 square feet. Elevate your heart rate and breathe hard. No single exercise is strenuous. But do them all quickly and you'll sweat. Do the whole routine twice for 30 great minutes.
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Slower Sunday: You can’t hurry love.

Or eggs. Why don't you try this. No rush. Whenever you get around to it. Could be breakfast or lunch or dinner. Keep the heat low. And keep the eggs moving. The slow cooking, it cooks them perfectly. No wet spots. No dry spots. Everything's just right.
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Just Say Yes. But not too often.

If you drink moderately, you'll live longer and have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than people who don't drink at all. Really? Yup. Here's my summary of a 20-year study. And my thoughts for the holiday party season: get together with friends and have a little something to drink.
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You’re about to gain weight. Unless …

If you're like most Americans, your weight was at its annual low last month. And you will now begin to gain weight until you reach your annual high in early January. Yup. It's all that holiday eating. What to do? Clue: an ounce of prevention's worth a pound of cure.
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Mushroom-Leek Gratin. So satisfying.

The simple, luscious, luxurious dish for those cold winter dinners when nothing's in season and you just want something fresh. Something that's not a root vegetable. An easy, impressive vegetable dish you can prep in advance for a multi-dish Thanksgiving feast.
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Potato-Leek Soup. OK, Vichyssoise

Just-pulled potatoes at your Farmers Market are so fresh they're creamy. Time to make creamy potato things - without cream. Like this mellow-delicious soup. Earthy potatoes. Deeply fragrant leeks. Just a hint of thyme. Warm and luscious.
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