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Apple-a-Day: Cider Two Ways

One day freezing. Next day balmy. Today: hot mulled cider. Tomorrow: spicy apple soda. It's terrific. Make your own soda. Dramatically improve your health. Save money. Save planetary wear and tear with something sweet, spicy and mellow.
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Walk to the Sun, the Moon and the Stairs

In Mexico. Back in the 5th century, this was quite the place to live. And eat. And climb pyramids. Next week, I'll make some great dishes that come from this time and place. The culture that gave us one of the original and tastiest low Glycemic Load diets.
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Just potatoes and apples. Savory & sweet

Earthy potato pancake, crunchy on the outside, creamy and melting on the inside. Sweet, smooth, fragrant applesauce. Tart, creamy yogurt. So simple, so basic, so luscious and satisfying. I could have this every day for a week. Dinner, lunch or breakfast.
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Slower Sunday: So much fuss

When you stop to think about the whole olive experience, it's really not bad being the olive. Even though you get eaten. Press Play. Then decide if you wouldn't rather be hanging out right here, right now.
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Apple Graham Tart: 24/7 deliciousness

I thought it was dessert, but it was even Better for breakfast. A perfect Fall breakfast. Fresh, sweet apples baked "rare": firm, barely on the soft side of crisp. On a nutty, light and crisp whole grain pie crust that's one big Graham cracker. Exactly what you want in your diet for a lot of reasons.
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Potato-Leek Pizza. Ripe now.

Farmers almost everywhere are pulling potatoes and leeks. They're fresh, they're abundant and they're seasonally cheap. And a great flavor combination. They're not just for soup anymore. Now they're ready for pizza.
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Carrot (Pan)Cake

I was staring at a bunch of bright orange ones - and thinking about baking my first Carrot Cake. When I got distracted by the idea of carrot pancakes. Savory, like potato pancakes, but with carrots. They're big, sweet, everywhere and cheap right now. And jam-packed with Vitamin A.
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