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Slower Sunday: Forest or Trees?

When you're in the forest, you're surrounded. No losing sight of it. But you might miss everything the trees offer. Each one is its own world. When you're in the rainforest, it's extreme. A whole forest's worth of stuff in each tree. Press Play. You'll see.
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Chocolate Pudding Cake. Mightier. Finer.

Better than a chocolate Easter bunny. The definition of chocolate, two Ways. In one. Big, deep, dark chocolate flavor. Not too sweet. Rich but amazingly light. Part airy, moist cake. Part silky light pudding. A total mystery how it turns out this Way.
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3 Lakes. 6 Miles. 1 Sunset. Peak.

And 4 hikes. All along the Catherine Pass Trail in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Utah, 35 miles from Salt Lake City. From short and easy to longer and tougher, each Way comes with spectacular views, air you want to breathe and a perfect spot for a picnic.
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Kale Slaw

Not a typo. A Fall salad that will stand up to anything. Substantial and refreshing. Not overpowering. Bright, sharp, earthy and aromatic. With 4 days worth of Vitamin A, 3 days of Vitamin C and 2 weeks of Vitamin K. The season's best-tasting nutritional supplement.
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Salsa Verde Bruschetta

Snack of the Month. Another great reason to make a big batch of salsa verde when tomatillos are in season. 20 minutes to make a bowlful. To make a week's worth of vibrant, flavorful meals. Or just whip together this brilliant snack in five minutes.
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Chard Trick

Swiss Chard. At Farmers Markets everywhere. Beautiful, flavorful, healthful. An abundant supply. Prices are low. Because, well, there's no big demand for this under appreciated leafy green. Here's the trick to change that: Chard Puree on Mashed Potatoes.
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Forward Motion: Top 5 Reasons To Run

Live six years longer with your Better brain, skin, knees and holiday feasts. Really. Look, feel and think better. And eat more, if you must. And Happy Birthday to Bruce Springsteen who turns 73 this week. Tramps like us ...
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Graham crackers and sex: have s’more.

So simple and so great. A basic, almost ancient, cooking activity that you probably never thought to try. Your very first will be Better than any Graham cracker you've ever bought. Light, airy, crisp, nutty, slightly sweet. Remarkably satisfying. And so much healthier.
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Marvao: The View From The Castle

1,000' above the valley and a thousand years old. Castle walls that protected the villagers for a millennium. Today's Way is a Time Travel. A two-mile walk through the centuries. In Portugal. You should know about this.
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