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Want to save $2500? Shake your thang.

OK, I've been writing about this for years. It's a big part of Raising Your Standard of Living while you Lower Your Cost of Living. But now there's new research that puts a number on the Cost Benefit of regular exercise: up to $2500/year.
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Slower Sunflower

Eyes wide open? Good. Today we'll just watch. No talk. Because this must be good for your eyes. And maybe more. Press Play. Happy Sunday.
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Corn Warning: Now’s the time

To set aside a few fresh ears to dry. For that day a few months from now. It's cold. Or rainy. Or both. Time for a movie and a bowl of superior popcorn. Great flavor. Low calorie. Whole grain. Gluten-free. And free! From that ear you wisely set aside to dry.
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Take it easy.

When you're out walking. But not too easy. Turns out there's a Goldilocks "just right" speed range when you're walking to exercise. It's not too fast, not too slow. It's about 3 miles per hour. Here's why.
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Pesto Party: Saving Summer

The Better Cheaper Slower party of the summer. Why didn't I think of this before? Friendly helping hands to turn a half-bushel of low, low price Farmers Market basil into a winter's worth of pesto sauce for all. Your very own harvest festival.
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Tomato Roast. Party optional.

When there's not enough solar power to ripen late summer tomatoes, turn on the oven. A little extra heat to bring out the sweet. Make as much as you can refrigerate and freeze. To get you through a tomato-less fall and winter.
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Naked Exercise #13: Boxing

Stripped down. No equipment. Boxing without gloves. Without a ring. No opponent. But with a lot of the exercise benefits of the real deal. Great for strengthening your back and shoulders. Not just Better and Cheaper. Better and Free.
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Slower Sunday: Gone Wishin’

I don't fish. But if I did, this would be my favorite place. Hard to imagine a more spectacular place for it. Or a more secluded place. Press Play for a completely relaxing one-minute vacation. You'll wish you were here.
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An-Apple-A-Day: Sweet, Savory, Stuffed

A Cheddar-Stuffed Baked Apple. Deep, satisfying sweetness from the apple. Earthy, slightly salty richness from the cheese. An amazingly healthy, total-satisfaction, zero-deprivation breakfast. Two minutes to prepare for baking. Fifteen minutes to jog it off.
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