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Potato Salad Salsa Verde

Mellow, tart and slightly spicy at the same time. Big, rich, deep flavors to coat the season's first, fresh new potatoes. Total comfort food with a Mexican accent. Less than $5 for enough to feed four or more.
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Sandwich of the Month: Edamame Baba

The Far East and the Middle East meet over a piece of really good bread. The fresh sweet pea-like flavor of the thick Edamame Puree and the smooth, smoky, garlicky Baba Ghanoush make one of the all-time great flavor combinations.
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Naked Exercise #12: No-Lawn Mowing

Stripped down. No lawn. No mower. Great for lower and upper body strength and muscle tone. And a moderate intensity cardio exercise, too. Burn 100 calories in 15 minutes. Better and Free. All you need's a floor.
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Peach-Blueberry Pie. Wow

This is what summer should taste like. A light, intensely flavorful but not too sweet dessert. Pretty terrific for breakfast, too. Amazing how easily you can make this Better and Cheaper than you can buy it. 70 cents per slice.
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Sudden Summer Tomato Soup

Two minutes from thought to bowl. Suddenly, before you know it, dinner's on the table. Big, fresh tomato flavor barely enriched with yogurt and olive oil. And the fragrance of a little basil. And you have plenty of time to enjoy it.
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