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Yogurt or Coke for breakfast? A quiz.

Unless you're eating "plain" yogurt, your fruit, coffee or vanilla yogurt has just as much sugar as a can of Coke. As much added sugar in a little 6-ounce yogurt cup as you get in an 8-ounce bottle of Coke. 100 calories from sugar, the worst kind of calories.
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Flexible Monday: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

It's Almost-Yoga Monday. And that's Sanskrit for the good old Upward Dog stretch. Great for stretching, relaxing and strengthening everything you've got above the waist. A real feel-good stretch. A lot of flexibility from two minutes of a single, simple exercise.
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Flower. Power. Happy Mother’s Day

Still wondering what to do for Mom today? You still have two good choices. Bring some flowers to Mom. Or bring Mom to some flowers. But if neither one of these works for you this year, here's a third choice. Send Mom a link to these flowers.
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The Walk That Ate Milwaukee

More than 100 miles of walking and biking trails. Along Lake Michigan on the east side, the Milwaukee River on the west. Two to three hours in the morning; two to three more in the afternoon. In between tasting stops. Burn 1,500 calories along the Way.
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Cinco de Mayo: Corn & Chile Pudding Cake

It's festive. It's colorful. The flavor of fresh, sweet, mellow corn. The hot pop of tiny flecks of hot chile pepper. The top half's an astonishingly light cornbread, almost soufflé-like. The bottom half's the silkiest, lightest pudding.
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Twofer Tuesday: Mac & Cheese Pizza

Started out as a quick, tongue-in-cheek dinner. Turned out to be an unusually luscious, even luxurious, pizza. At least the second best thing you'll put in your mouth all day. Hard to believe every pizzeria doesn't make this. But you can. Easily.
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Slower Sunday: It’s About Time

This might be the reason to garden. You get to see everything come back to life every year. It's very reassuring. Makes you feel good about next year. And the next one. Get outside and take a walk through time. It only looks like this for a few weeks. Every year.
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